As our lives become more and more technology dependent, and the lines between day and night blur with the rising 24/7 culture, meditation can help us switch off at night and get a good sleep.

Evidence suggests we need at least six hours of sleep to aid brain function and our ability to learn as well as to prevent mental health problems, obesity and diabetes

Using electronic devices such as television or your phone before bed have been shown to suppress melatonin levels which are vital to a healthy night’s sleep. Melatonin is the hormone that controls the day-night cycle of the body and the body clock. If melatonin levels are too low, the body may be unable to “switch off” at night.

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Medical Centre found that people who meditate have significantly higher levels of this hormone and in a separate study, those who meditated were found to have, on average, 98% more melatonin in their system.


FISU Meditation has a specific technique that stimulates the pineal gland which secretes melatonin into our system in more significant quantities. This is no excuse to be too obsessive with the use of our electronic devices, but it’s a good counterbalance.

Insomnia is a result of our 24/7 society and our inability to switch off. Through meditation, we can switch off entirely, and we see our problems as challenges, and then they do not have such a hold over our attention and do not play on our minds when we go to bed. We need our sleep to rejuvenate us and enjoy all the new coming day has to offer us.

It’s easy – let me show you how…