Did you know that meditators can easily deflect negative thoughts and emotions because their minds have greater strength – an attribute of spiritual unfoldment.
When we feel unhappy with ourselves and feel a failure or negative things are happening to us or around us, we shun good things by default.
Once we feel sorry for ourselves, lose our confidence, or feel self-critical, we find it hard to associate with anything good or positive. Our negative thoughts attract more negative situations, and that’s why a succession of adverse events occur as we have attracted them.
All the good things in our life we neglect or push away, like meditating – the practice that can help us most when times are difficult, restore the positive, create balance, make us feel good about ourselves again – and more so, to be objective to what’s happening around us.
If we are caught in this scenario, let’s remind ourselves of all that’s good in our lives, bring it to the fore of our mind, and if those negative thoughts or emotions arise in our head, try to observe them objectively not giving them the attention they demand.
Through meditation, we can deflect negative thoughts and emotions with ease from our minds – push them away. Over a period of meditation, those thoughts will be naturally refined and will become less bothersome.
Accentuate the good, the positive – diminish the negative!